Selected Publications
Duong, N., Fry, T., DeChurch, A., Steelman, L.A., & Wildman, J. (in press). The antecedents, outcomes, and mediating role of inclusion at work. Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion: An International Journal.
Ellison, L.J., Steelman, L.A., Riordan, B.G., & Young, S.F. (in press). Setting the stage: The feedback environment improves 360 degree feedback leader development program effectiveness. Consulting Psychology Journal: Research & Practice.
Young, S.F., Steelman, L.A., Pita, M., & Gallo, J. (2020). Role-based engagement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Management and Organization. 1-21.
Steelman, L.A., & Williams, J.R. (2019). Using science to improve feedback processes at work. In L.A. Steelman & J.R. Williams (Eds.), Feedback at Work, Springer.
Gallo, J.R., & Steelman, L.A., (2019). Using a training intervention to improve the feedback environment. In L.A. Steelman & J.R. Williams (Eds.), Feedback at Work, Springer.
Steelman, L.A., Kilmer, G., Griffith R.L., & Taylor, J. (2019). The role of feedback in coaching and technology-enabled coaching processes. In L.A. Steelman & J.R. Williams (Eds.), Feedback at Work, Springer.
Griffith, R.L. Steelman, L.A., Moon, N., al-Qallawi, S., & Quraishi, N. (2018, July). Guided mindfulness: Optimizing experiential learning of complex interpersonal competencies, In International Conference on Augmented Cognition (pp. 205-213). Springer, Cham.
Steelman, L.A., & Wolfeld, L. (2018) The manager as coach: The role of feedback orientation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 33(1), 41-53. DOI: 10.1007/s10869-016-9473-6.
Young, S.F., Richard, E.M., Moukarzel, R.G., Steelman, L.A., & Gentry, W.A. (2017). How empathic concern helps leaders in providing negative feedback: A two-study examination. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90, 535-558. DOI: 10.1111/joop.12184
Griffith, R.L., Steelman, L.A., Wildman, J.L., LeNoble, C., & Zhou, Z.E. (2016). Guided mindfulness: A self-regulatory approach to experiential learning of complex skills. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 18(2), 147-166. DOI:
Young, S.F., & Steelman, L.A. (2016). Marrying personality, job, and work demands and their effect on engagement via critical psychological states. International Journal of Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1138501
Peterson, S.M., & Steelman, L.A. (2015). Repatriate knowledge sharing environment: Scale development and validation. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 14(4), DOI: 10.1142/S0219649215500318.
Moukarzel, R., & Steelman, L.A. (2015). Navigating multicultural teams: A roadmap to feedback across cultures. In Wildman, J.L., & Griffith, R.L. (Eds.), Leading Global Teams: Translating the Multidisciplinary Science to Practice. Springer.
Young, S.F., & Steelman, L.A. (2014). The role of feedback in supervisor and work group identification. Personnel Review, 43(2), 228-245.
Steelman, L.A. (2013). Making history: The evolution of the Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 50(4), 15-28.
Steelman, L.A., & Sudduth, M.M. (2013). Fear and Loathing at Work: A Savage Journey to the Heart of Received Wisdom on Generational Differences. In D. Svyantek & K. Mahoney (Eds.), Received Wisdom, Kernels of Truth, and Boundary Conditions in Organizational Studies, 9-26. Information Age Publishing.
Griffith, R.L., Gabrenya, W., Steelman, L.A., Armon, B., Gitlin, B., & Kung, M. (2012). Global Organizational Psychology: Internationalizing the Training Curriculum. Psychological Topics, 21(3), 1-16.
Parks, K.M., & Steelman, L.A. (2008). Organizational wellness programs: A meta-analysis. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(1), 58-68.
Steelman, L.A., Levy, P.E., & Snell, A.F. (2004). The feedback environment scale: Construct definition, measurement and validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 64(1), 165-184.
Steelman, L.A., & Rutkowski, K.A. (2004). Moderators of Employee Reactions to Negative Feedback. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19(1), 6-18.
Williams, J.R., Miller, C., Steelman, L.A. & Levy, P.E. (1999). Increasing feedback seeking in public contexts: It takes two (or more) to tango? Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, 969-976.
Levy, P.E., & Steelman, L.A.(1997). Performance appraisal for team-based organizations: A prototypical Multi Rater System. In M.M. Beyerlein, D.A. Johnson, & S.T. Beyerlein (Eds.), Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams: Team implementation issues, (Vol. 4). JAI Press.