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Jessica L. Wildman (Wildones)

Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Psychology

Program Chair | Industrial Organizational Psychology

Contact Information


culture, DEI, teams, human-agent teams, attitudes, trust

Personal Overview

*Professionally known and publishing as Jessica L. Wildman*

Jessica L. Wildman, PhD, is a tenured Professor and Program Chair of the Industrial Organizational Psychology program and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Portfolio lead and Research Director of the Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management (ICCM) at the Florida Institute of Technology.  She earned a B.S. in Psychology in 2007, an M.S. in I/O Psychology in 2010, and her Ph.D. in I/O Psychology in 2011 from the University of Central Florida.  To date, she has co-authored 52 journal articles and book chapters, and presented over 100 national and international conference presentations, on topics including human-agent teams, global virtual teams, interpersonal trust, workplace inclusion, and culture in the workplace. Dr. Wildman is the co-editor of the 2014 book “Leading Global Teams: Translating Multidisciplinary Science to Practice” and the 2016 book “Critical Issues in Cross Cultural Management.” Dr. Wildman has been associated with over $2.5 million in funded research for clients including the U.S. Office of Naval Research, Naval Air Warfare Training Systems Division, U.S. Army Research Institute, NASA, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and large multinational companies. Exemplar projects include an AFOSR-funded project examining trust violation and repair in complex human-agent teams, an operational assessment and scientific literature review on team self-maintenance for NASA, developing measures of multiteam system performance for the Navy, an early career grant from ARI to conduct basic research on the development, violation, and repair of trust across cultures, and cultural advising for a Fortune 500 company. Dr. Wildman was the recepient of the 2021-2022 Charles E. Helmstetter Award for Faculty Excellence in Research. Current research interests include diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), culture, and teams in the workplace, with an emphasis on human-agent (i.e., AI, robot) teams.